A unique experience time and time again.

European restaurant in Wuppertal
The SHIRAZ in Wuppertal is European to the marrow, but vegetarian guests will also find plenty to like here. Not only the extremely stylish, welcoming atmosphere but also the cheese selection is particularly impressive.
Wittener Straße 288
42279 Wuppertal
Phone +49 202 265 337 79
Choose from the very best.
None other than celebrated “cheese pope” Bernard Antony from the Fromagerie Antony supplies the SHIRAZ with outstanding raw milk cheeses that will delight the palate of connoisseurs and cheese-lovers everywhere.
“Harmonise perfectly with our philosophy.”
“The taste and, of course, the colour of ACQUA MORELLI harmonise perfectly with our philosophy and exclusive atmosphere. It wasn’t a hard choice to make.”
Serkan Akgün, owner of SHIRAZ